Sunday 9 November 2014

Denotation and Connotation

Denotation: The "literal" meaning of something, an image or idea.
Connotation: The extra added meanings that we attach to images, objects and ideas that are bit "lieral" byt based on our experience, culture, age, gender etc. They are often shared within group e.g. people of a similar age, people from a parcicular religion or country. Connonations are usually:
- Shared
- Similar
- Influenced by each other, the media and personal experience.

They are aften understood and shared by groups/ These groups can be based on many things, including:
- Race
- Age
- Geography (Where we live)
- Gender
- Occupation

Sometimes when reading a text, a person may read the text differently than was perhaps expected by the text's producers- this is sometimes a partial acceptance of the 'intended' meaning, and sometimes a complete rejection of it. These are called negotiated and aberrant readings respectively.

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