Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Different Types of Frames and Camera Movement


Extreme Close Up:

An "Extreme Close Up" (ECU) is a shot that magnifies a certain scene beyond what the human eye actually experiences. It does not show any setting or background whatsoever. This gives the scene a more dramatic effect because not only is the viewer's vision is limited, but so is the information given in that certain shot. Another reason why is may be more dramatic than other shots is because it makes the viewer more uncomfortable because it is a more "claustrophobic" shot. The viewer cannot see anything else except the enlarged subject, so the subject is shown in immense detail.
ECU also makes the facial expression less visible because it generally does not shot the whole face (classically, it is normally focused on the eyes), so the viewer is focused as to how the character is feeling.

Big Close Up:

A "Big Close Up" (BCU)
This shot contains no or very little background, but the head takes up the majority of the screen. This is used to show the full facial expression because the face is shown in full detail. This makes the viewer is able to determine how the character is feeling. 

Close Up:

This shot is classically used to introduce a character. It can also be used for heightening tension and for showing emotions. Also, it can be used to showcase a piece of significant Mise-En-Scene. The director may want to blur out any background in order to focus on the subject.


A Mid-Shot (Medium Shot- MS) is used for dialogue scenes- it normally shows from the waist upwards. If more than 3 figures are shown it becomes a LONG SHOT. This shot is used for focusing on the character shown, and the setting is probably insignificant at that point because it may have already been introduced. This shot also allows you to identify the character's body language.  

Mid-Long Shot:

In this shot, the character and the setting are both significant (however, the character is still more important). It places the character in context. This shot shows from the knees up.

Extreme Long Shot:

This shot is used to show the significance and impressiveness of a setting. The character is hardly visible- the setting completely dominates the character (the character is worthless).

Point-Of-View Shot:

This shot gives the impression that you are the character. The viewer is looking through the character's eyes. This makes the viewer believe that they have power- they feel like they are in the movie (or TV show, etc etc.) The viewer is then able to understand that character better because they are looking at the world from the character's point of view.

Worm's Eye View:

This is normally used when something below the subject has less power than the subject above it (for example, in this photo, the ground is inferior to the tall buildings. The ground is not important.) 

Bird's Eye View:

A bird's eye view is normally seen from overhead. This makes the viewer feel 'Godlike' because they are omniscient (or at least, they feel like it) and they feel powerful. They are able to see everything from a more advanced and higher point of view. 


This shot shows a broader range of scenery. It may be restricted to the exterior parts of the set. This may give the same effect as the bird's eye view, if not a bigger effect because the viewer is able to see even more of the location. This shot is used for introducing a significant location.


A crane shot is like a DOLLY shot, except it has a bigger range because the camera is attached to a crane. This is used to show the action that is taking place in a scene.

High Angle:

This makes the viewer feel like they are superior because they can see from a higher point of view. You are focusing on something that is below you.

Low Angle:

This makes the viewer feel inferior because they are much lower than the subject. It gives the effect that you are small in the world.


Pan: Scanning the scene in all directions, but in one place. This is used for showing a location and for showing action.

Track: This is used to scan the set horizontally. This may make the viewer feel like they are suppose to look for something. This is also used to follow something to make the viewer feel like they are in the movie.

Tilt: It scans the scene vertically. This may make the viewer feel like they are suppose to look for something.

Pull Focus: (Link is my own example on my media Youtube account) When the focus is moved from one subject to another by blurring. This make the viewer stop focusing on one thing and paying attention to something else.

CraneA crane shot is like a DOLLY shot, except it has a bigger range because the camera is attached to a crane. This is used to make the view feel like they have power- like they are omniscient.

Aerial: This may give the same effect as the bird's eye view, if not a bigger effect because the viewer is able to see even more of the location. This shot is used for introducing a significant location. This gives a similar effect on the viewer as the crane shot, but because aerial is on a larger scale, it gives a bigger effect.

Zoom in: Concentrating on one object (usually significant) Used for focusing on a specific thing.

Zoom out: Trying to hide an object. Used for showing background to direct the target object.

Whip Pan: Following a fast moving object. Makes the viewer feel like they are watching something go past them really fast.

Handheld: The camera is controlled with a human's bare hands. This gives the effect that the viewer is in the scene- that they are a character. (It's more 'jerky')

Dolly: The piece of equipment used for tracking. A DOLLY is a contraption with 3 wheels that is attached to a tripod. This enables the camera person to wheel around the tripod, making it a 'smoother' track.

Steadicam: A smoother version of handheld.

Monday, 25 August 2014

My first blog post! - AS Media Studies

25th August 2014. I'm sitting up here, alone, in my massive loft room. *Sighs* Ah, I can remember this time last year when it was in the middle being constructed. When the conversion was expected to only last 3 months, when really it actually lasted 5. Dust everywhere. Mum having to hoover the house every single day after the workers left the house. My mum and dad moaning about the builders. My sister's broken ceiling. My sister and I having to sleep in my room together for 5 months. Everyone's stuff being shifted everywhere. Man, that was a blast! Kinda.
It's currently 20:40, and like I said before, I'm sitting up here, alone, in my massive loft room. The rain's pouring down. Mum's getting dinner ready- I can hear her from downstairs. My laptop is in my lap as I sit on a big, black chair. I feel snug. My room is lit with nothing but my desk lamp. In front of my is my pink and purple desk. My iPhone on the edge (I should really move that), my big Sixth Form folder open to the "Media Studies" page. Gosh, Year 12. How did that come so fast? New area, new teachers, new people- It's like Year 7 all over again! Except scarier. But at the same time, It's quite exciting! 
But no, right now at 20:46, It's actually pretty peaceful in here. A bit too peaceful to be honest...



Hey, I'm Jasmine! You can call me "Jaz" though. My form tutor in Year 11 called me that from day 1! I'm from England and I'm 16 years old! Oh, you want to know more? Well, alright. I'm a Asian kid who likes to make YouTube videos, broadcast on hospital radio on Saturday mornings and like playing her my guitar REALLY loudly in her bedroom.
So I probably annoy my neighbours a lot with my music. 
I don't know. 
I also have a little sister called Mariya. She's 4 years younger than me. 
Oh, and my favourite celebrity is Selena Gomez. (Yes, if you want to know me, you NEED to know that!!) I met her as well on September 7th last year... But that's a story for another day :)
I have pet fish and I have 4 budgies- Ippy, Tweety, Snowy and Zeze. We did have 2 to begin with... But, again, that's a story I'll save for another day :) 
Yeah there are more stories that I may or may not sure on another day. What is "another day?" When is "another day"? Oh, whoops, I'm going off topic. Psssh.
I'm not sure what I'm going to be doing on this blog because I'm using it for Sixth Form... But what I DO know this that I'm REEEAAALLLYY excited to see what I'm going to do with this! I've blogged once. But that was when I was like 9 or 10. I had my own website and everything. But I didn't know how to use it... So that's kind of awkward!

Alright, my mum's calling me down for dinner.
I'll see you guys later :)
                                                                        ~ Jaz ~